Everywhere we look, the goal of “success” is thrust upon us as the reason behind everything that we do – schoolwork, university, jobs, business, sport, parenting, financial wealth. The pursuit of success is endless.
But what does success mean? And more particularly, what does success mean to you?
Everyone has their own definition, and not a single answer to the question of what success means to you is a wrong answer.
Millions of dollars in the bank, raising happy children, sporting success, healthy weight loss, learning a foreign language – all achievements that could fulfil a person’s definition of success. Success is a personal journey; different for everyone, with our goals and our definition of success changing as we get older, our lives change and our priorities change.
The key to living a life of success is to know what success means to you – not just in a business sense, or related to financial well-being – success in all aspects of your life.
Once you have determined what success is for you, set some short, medium and longer term goals, lay down yours plans to get there, and then start achieving.
And most importantly, enjoy yourself and celebrate your successes along the way!